Archive for the ‘Olympia Looping’ Tag

Germany 2010 – Day 2. Part 3   4 comments

It was a shortish drive to the hotel for the night in Munich, where we checked in; freshened up and then headed out by bus and underground train to the Munich Beer Festival.

Never having been to Oktoberfest before, I was overwhelmed by the sheer scale of the event. Of course I had expected large beer tents, although these seemed like semi-permanent structures. What I had not expected was the quantity of rides and other attractions that were there. I know of Olympia Looping, but again I was surprised by its large size – much bigger than I had been expecting.

First, and second rides were on Olympia Looping. It just had to be done, even though the restraint system can be a bit of a spine-crusher, and even managed to trap my arm for part of the second ride. But it was well worth it (even at €7 a time – Germany is not cheap!)

The next 2 pictures are courtesy of Steve Smith, one of my fellow travellers. I think I might have been a little too excited to take many photos that evening 😆

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